How Big Data impacting us Today....
Technology that helps organizations to break down data silos and analyze to improves their business goals and objectives.
The Benefits of Big Data Analytics
Enterprises are increasingly looking to find actionable insights into their data.
Many big data projects originate from the need to answer specific business questions.
With the right big data analytics platforms in place, enterprise can boost sales,
increase efficiency, and improve operations, customer service and risk management.
✔ We have a highly capable Team to create Analytics Platform that are result oriented and caters to Customer needs
✔ Streaming & batch process on Hadoop stack
✔ Building Application Interface using Spark (In memory processing Tool) and Kafka streaming
✔ Application with Fault tolerance Scalability Data replication
✔ Child growth, Higher Education & Women welfare
✔ High performance analytics & insight as-a-service
Big Data Application & Opportunities
✔ consumer insights to identifying target audiences.
✔ Health Care Optimization.
✔ Utilizing BIG DATA analysis Natural resource Planning
✔ Public SERVICES like Social Disability & Social Security
✔ Real time retail & Supply chain management
✔ mobile and social media Analysis
Architectural Considerations
✔ Volume (TB)
✔ Sources (Semi-structured - JSON)
✔ Throughput (> 10K/sec)
✔ Latency
✔ Extensibility
✔ Data Quality (Consistency)
✔ Reliability (24/7)
✔ Security (Multi tenancy)
✔ Self-Service (Ad-Hoc reports)
Business Intelligence to Big Data